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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Crooked River Burning

When I first began reading this book, my first thought was "dang...this book is booooorrring!!!!!" lol. The dryness of the book made it difficult for me to stick with the plot and read the assigned reading. The book appears to be full of interesting characters, all serving some unique purpose in the molding of Cleveland as it is today.
This is an interesting challenge seeing how Im open to trying new things as well as reading different types of books. But I am up for the challenge and Im diving in head first. I just hope that I can finish the book without feeling as if this is a book that I was forced to read, which would leave me not really being able to take something from the book.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, this book IS boring. And dry. The characters are interesting, but maybe there are too many of them that Winegardner is trying cover. I hope you managed to finish the book, I managed to force myself to finish and I think the realness is what makes the story boring.
