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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crafting a precise thesis with meaning

I have grown to love writing over the years. However, one of my down falls is coming up with a thesis which will map out my story throughout my paper. When the class was presented with the assignment of writing an Educational essay, one topic that came to mind was the cost of books. This topic hits home for me and many other students and i thought it would be a great idea to craft an essay around the idea of exposing students to the many resources that exist as a means of decreasing costs of books which can for many reduce stress and promote academic progress.
With this idea in mind, I came up with this thesis: It is important to educate students on the many resources available when purchasing books to eliminate stress, low test scores, and promote academic success.

1 comment:

  1. Your thesis is definitely a timely one. Also, it reaches across a wide audience from first-time students to adult students. Your first argument regarding stress, I think, will be the easiest. However, I am curious to see how you will bring in the low test scores and academic success pieces.
