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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Educational Philosophy

Until now, I havent really thought about what my philosophy on education consists of. But I like to think I have had a philosophy and I have not thought of it as a philosophy; more than likely it was merely an understanding I had reached after being in school for so long. My journey starts off a little like everyone elses. I completed highschool and was well on my way to college. It was never a question as to whether or not i would go to college. I wanted to go to college and I wanted to go as far away from home as I could. I did not take the time to think about the huge life experience i was about to embark on but then again, mentally i was not on that level.
My first year of college consisted of partying from Thursday to Sunday. Class was an option, however, it wasnt a priority. Second semester rolled around and my grades showed how much I loved to party. I had a D average for a gpa, and I lost my full tuition scholarship. I was devestated and for the life of me could not figure out how I partied as much as my friends did and they were excelling in their studies. My mother and my professors told me countless times that I could do it; It was all a matter of applying myself to get what I desired. I heard them but I wasnt really listening. I was enjoying where i stood and didnt want to change my priorities around.
The wake up call began to sink in when i was in an accident and came out without a scratch. This was a message to me that I needed to get it together and finish what i came to school to do. However, I was beginning to feel as if this was a journey that would not be acheived overnight; it was a process that would change me for the better. I went through having my own place, being evicted, having a job and losing that very same job and i was crushed. I was also depressed. I decided to move home after going two months without work.
I am now at Ursuline College where I am happier than ever. I am surrounded by many positive people, students and professors included, who are just as dedicated to my success as I am.
I never really knew what my educational philosophy is but I now know that in order to get what you want, you have to be willing to fight for it! NOTHING worth having is ever going to fall in your lap!!!!

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